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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Monday, February 02, 2004

Korean soundbites

Happened to check if some of the links in my browser are still active; these few are perhaps of interest to some, so let they be made public here.

Korean history in songs and sounds (Korean), a site with songs and sounds related to Korean history. Parts 7 (modern history) and 8 (contemporary history) are the most interesting, as they contain authentic contemporary recordings like a speech by Kim Ku on August 15, 1946. (There are also some questionable choices, like attaching an H.O.T song to represent 8.15.)

The sound files are in real player format, and download directly (no stream). My links given here as examples are not to the sound files but to the pages with the files and explanations. (I haven't listened to all the files that I link to, so no guarantees are given.)

5.16 coup (1961) radio broadcast

New Village (Saemaul) song (lyrics Park Chung-hee), a song that many grew tired of hearing ever morning from village loudspeakers. "Let's live well" (Chal sara pose), another song from the authoritarian development era, encouraging people to work hard to make t´he country prosperous.

"Road to Seoul", a song by Kim Min-gi ("좋은 약 구해 갖고 내 다시 올 때까지 집 앞의 느티나무 그 빛을 변치 마라") and for a contrast, a poem by Kim Chi-ha (간다 / 울지 마라 간다 [...] 팍팍한 서울길 / 몸 팔러 간다).

"Give me some water" (Mul chom chuso), song by Han Tae-su from 1974, prohibited as soon as it was published, as the censors understood that thirst was about freedom.

"Kû ttae kû saram", song by Sim Su-bong. Sim Su-bong was entertaining the guests in the dinner during which Park Chung-hee was killed.

Music from Korea; a huge collection of traditional Korean music, may not follow the letter of law in every respect, but since the page is linked from the collector's own homepage, I'll give it a go. Those who want to hear what the p'ansori epic Ch'unhyangga sounds like before rushing to buy a CD set, here it is.

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