
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
∙ Ph.D. dissertation Neighborhood Shopkeepers in Contemporary South Korea: Household, Work, and Locality available online (E-Thesis publications a the University of Helsinki). For printed copies, please contact me by e-mail.
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Monday, March 29, 2004

(Social categories) "Chagalch'i ajumma is also against the impeachment"

This piece of reporting was already a long time ago in Ohmynews, but since the impeachment affair still seems to be acute, it's still worth making a note of.
Back in 2002, when the presidential race was at its height, the parties (Minju and Hannara) were busy presenting their candidates as "ordinary people" and bringing forth "ordinary people" (sômin, 庶民) as their supporters. Also TV airtime was given to supporters' support speeches, and one who gained some fame was the so-called Chagalch'i ajumma, a fish trader from the Chagalch'i market in Pusan. She was presented as the sômin supporter of Roh. After that, Hannara started claiming that there was no way she could be an "ordinary person" as she was said to have an almost complete monopoly of agu (angler fish?) trade in the market and actually be a rich woman.

Ohmynews went to see her earlier this month when the impeachment crisis had started to hear that she is against the impeachment; the two minute video report is quite nicely made to show that also the "ordinary people" at the market agree with her.
(And this is not to mean that I'd agree with the impeachers, only to note how things are told.)

Got to add another from the same place (which from the left has been called an 어용언론); Chu Mi-ae of the Minjudang visited a taxi company to inquire about popular sentiments (minsim 民心). Cab driving is an "ordinary people's job" par excellence, and besides marketplaces, a cab company is a good place for a politician to show up in. (The article tells that Lee Hoi-chang paid a visit to the same taxi company before the presidential elections.)

▲ 추미애 민주당 선대위원장이 29일 오후 민생투어차 신성콜택시 방문을 마친 뒤 해당 회사의 택시를 타고 여의도 당사로 돌아가려고 하고 있다. ⓒ 오마이뉴스 이종호

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