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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Cartoons of life

Ohmynews shows how cartoons drawn by ordinary people can give wonderful glimpes of daily life.

'아빠, 가려워' ⓒ2004 김충희Married woman's vacation 1 (아줌마의 휴가 1).
Married woman's vacation 2 (아줌마의 휴가 2) by Bae Sun-hee
The writer (or artist actually) has chosen to call this series ajumma's vacation, even though the person is not ajumma in the strict sense of the term - there are no children appearing in the cartoon. But perhaps its her lot as a housekeeper in addition to her wage work which warrants her this designation...
Anyway, the point of the cartoons is that a woman with a husband and parents-in-law cannot expect to spend much of a vacation.

"Dad, I'm itchy! 1" (아빠, 가려워 1) by Kim Chung-hee
"Dad, I'm itchy! 2" (아빠, 가려워 2)
About living with a child with atopic eczema; having been one myself, I think this shows what my parents have been through.

Welcome to the developed world once again, Republic of Korea; the more you develop the more people you'll have with atopic eczema. Finnish researchers have found out the the amount of atopic symptoms on the other side of the border in northern Russia is some 1/5 (if I can remember correctly) of what it's in Finland.

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