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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Monday, January 16, 2006

Raelians offering Dr Hwang a job

I think it was already before the news of the research fraud by Dr Hwang hit the news, at the time of the biggest hype around his alleged achievements, I passingly thought of the Raelian movement, a bunch which sees humans having been created by aliens and which has been active at least in talk about cloning humans. Had I now been following Korean affairs I may never have gotten aware of the movement, which attracted a lot of attention in Korea at the time of Mr Rael's visit in August 2001.

Roh Moo-hyun government must immediately lift the prohibition of entry of the Ambassador of Aliens, His Holiness Raël

He was nevertheless denied entry when he was coming to Korea again in 2003. For this outrageous act of religious persecution Mr Rael announced that he was planning of sending the members of his organizations to hold demonstrations in front of ROK embassies and boycott Korean products in case the ROK government did not apologize (Yonhap article via Hankyoreh). Mr Rael also got support in the form of a one-person demonstration in front of the parliament in March 2004 (Hankyoreh)

Seems that Mr Rael has now forgiven Koreans, or perhaps he and his organizations are feeling sympathy for Dr Hwang, as we are told that Clonaid, company created by Raelians, is offering Dr Hwang support and even inviting him to work in its cloning laboratory. From Clonaid's news page:
Clonaid supports Dr Hwang
It is interesting to do the mental exercise, for just a few seconds, and ask oneself - why would Dr Hwang play with the hope of millions of people who are desperately waiting for stem-cell cure to be available for either themselves or one of their relatives? Why would he declare that he has made these lines, if he wasn't able to do it, knowing that millions are watching him and that he would have to deliver them soon?
In the same way, how can people believe that Clonaid's announcement of a cloned child being born was a hoax while thousands of parents-to-be were and are counting on us? Thankfully these parents didn't trust the media and today many of them had their baby...
We at Clonaid, believe that Dr Hwang has cloned human embryos and has the knowledge to develop stem cell lines.
We also believe that, like Dr.Boisselier, he has been discredited as he wasn't in line with what the political and religious powers of this world wanted regarding the cloning technology. It is easier to discredit someone than to believe in his words when he disturbs the establishment....
Dr. Boisselier has offered Dr. Hwang to collaborate in one of Clonaid's laboratories.

Oranckay's definitive blog note on the case of Dr Hwang starts by thinking of him as a kind of a spiritual leader of a religious cult, and Raelians offering him a job won't help Dr Hwang to escape this conclusion. Raelians seem to have found someone of their kind.

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