
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Friday, October 27, 2006

French-Korean situationist film dialectics

La Dialectique Peut-Elle Casser Des Briques? ("Can Dialectics Break Bricks?") is a French "situationist" (see Wiki) film from 1973. Both the Wiki entry for the film and the Youtube entries of a couple of excerpts assume that it's a Chinese (or Hong Kong) film that the director (?) René Viénet has overdubbed the dialogue about the dialectical tactics and radical subjectivity used by the oppressed masses in their struggle against the oppressors. But the film is Korean, and judging from the imagery used in it, North Korean. (Can't be sure, though...) The movie depicts the struggle of bare-fisted Korean peasants against sword-armed Japanese during what must be the Japanese colonial period.

excerpt of "Can Dialectics Break Bricks?" in Youtube

At 2:34 in the film, the landlord or his supervisor tells the peasants the following:

I don't want to hear any more about class
struggle. If not I'll send in my sociologists.

And if necessary my psychiatrists!
My urban planners! My architects!

My Foucaults! My Lacans! And if that's
not enough, I'll even send my structuralists.

second excerpt of "Can Dialectics Break Bricks?" in Youtube

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