Just learned a new Korean word, the meaning of which, as soon as I understood it's about an animal, I immediately understood: namunûlbo (나무늘보), "tree sluggard." I don't even know the English name for this mammal which lives in trees and moves around very slowly. This is what Korean language could be, precise and descriptive instead of all the ambiguosity.
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Comments to note "Unambiguous Korean" (Comments to posts older than 14 days are moderated)
The English word is also an appropriate one- the sloth. This is also the word used for extreme lazyness--one of the "seven deadly sins," I think.
BTW, waht's the word in Finnish?
Laiskiainen, from laiska, "lazy". In Finnish, the adjective cannot be used as a noun just like that, and there are different methods of making it a noun. The ending -ainen is one.
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