
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Ohmynews introduced in Finland

The Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat finally ran the story on Ohmynews which had been done already in late November.
In South Korea, every citizen is a reporter.
The sixth-ranked site mixes information and opinions.
"The importance of the advertisers shouldn't get too big," says Mr Oh. His physical appearance is that of a marathoner, and the look in his eyes is serious and honest.

screen capture of a Helsingin Sanomat article: 'In South Korea, every citizen is a reporter'

Should be interesting reading in the nation which once was known as a forerunner in new techonology, like the rest of the South Korea series. This is a snippet (my translation) from the article "What happens to Nokia when talking is reduced to a supporting role in mobile phones"
In my trip to Asia a young Nokia manager sat next to me [in the plane?]. As is typical for the company, he wouldn't reveal his name for a reporter, but with anonymity the talk is often more open.
The manager was especially worried about the terrible working drive in the South Korean mobile phone makers.
"They're doing 14-hour work days in Korea," he commented amazedly. "And the mobile phone services are much more easily available for customers than in Finland."

Here's an Ohmynews story from late November of the Helsingin Sanomat ("Hesari") reporter doing a story on Ohmynews. (actually it's an interview of the Finnish media and the position of Hesari in it.)

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