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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Monday, February 28, 2005

Shouer 首尔 gaining acceptance in China?

Ohmynews tells, quoting the Korean Foreign Ministry, that Chinese-character name 首尔/首爾 (Ch. Shouer) that the city of Seoul last month promulgated to be used instead of 汉城/漢城 (Ch. Hancheng) has been gaining some ground in the mainland Chinese media.
In some of the recent reports in Renmin Ribao (People's Daily) and an associated newspaper for youth (中國靑年報), Seoul has been given as 首尔, with 汉城 in brackets next to the new term. On the other hand, the Xinhua news agency has been continuing the use of 汉城.

Would it be that the position of South Korea as a kind of a modernization model for China is not hurting the chances of "Shouer" to gain acceptance. Here's one googled example of a report on Korean art scene in Seoul, in which 首尔 is used.

My earlier post on the promulgation of the new Chinese-language name for Seoul

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