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Friday, March 11, 2005

Chosun Ilbo, Choi Jang-jip and the Roh govt

One of the major issues in the beginning of the so-called anti-Chosun movement was the attacks by Monthly Chosun on professor Choi Jang-jip back in late 1998, when the magazine wrote that professor Choi's view on the Korean War was inappropriate for someone in an official position, as Choi was a member of a presidential organ at that time. In short, in the view of Monthly Chosun Choi's views on the war and else was to pro-north and red. (I'm not sure if Monthly Chosun was already at that time formally separated from the mother company and the daily newspaper, but now it is, and the editorial line of the chief editor Cho Gab-je is said to be one reason why even the daily newspaper of the company wants to keep some distance.)

So, now at the time of Roh Moo-hyun's administration, professor Choi has made some major critical commentaries on the policies and achievements of the government, to which Chosun Ilbo has given a lot of attention. One was the article The Weak Socioeconomic Basis of Korean Democracy (Korean) printed in Asea Yôn'gu late last year. After that, a Chosun reporter wrote an entry "Professor Choi, we are sorry" in his blog (couldn't find the link now), as if now that Choi Jang-jip criticized the Roh government, it was time to make an apology for the earlier ideological attack.

Now a new collection of writings from Choi Jang-jip is to be published under the title "Labor in Crisis" (Wigiûi nodong), from which Yonhap (via Chosun Ilbo) has given attention to an article in the book, in which Choi criticizes the all too non-existent achievements in labor and welfare policies.

(It should be noted that not only Chosun gave space to Choi's views; the same Yonhap piece was also in the first page of Ohmynews, if I remember correctly.)

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