Toellom kosi sôjôk bookstore from the "exam village" in Sillim 9-dong. 될놈 here cannot but refer to passing the civil exam; Toellom=someone who's going to [pass the exam]. (c) Jan, March 23, 2005 | Hankyoreh21 maps the coming changes (registration?) for the "exam village" in Sillim 2-dong and 9-dong as the judiciary education system will change with the law school system in 2008. The exam village (kosich'on) consists of private prep (?) schools (hagwôn for the state exam crammers, dormitories (kosiwôn), and reading rooms (toksôsil). The introduction of the law school system means that the law exam (is it called 'bar exam'?) is abolished, so many hagwons would concentrate more on civil cervant exams, but there'll be demand also for law tutoring - to enter law school. The article tells that the biggest effect from the law school system will concern the dorms, of which there is already oversupply. The quickest movers have already been targeting single wage earners with prices cheaper than single room studios (wôllum, "one room") and improved facilities.
Seems that Ûimin's mother's (one of my research acquaintances) husband made the right decision to give up the kosiwôn he had been keeping for a few years.
Categories at education ∙ Sillim/Gwanak ∙ businesskeepers |
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