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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Kim Dae-jung's daughter

Today on Tuesday, a SBS newsmagazine program will broadcast a program on the "hidden daughter of Kim Dae-jung".

The Ohmynews writer Kim Dan (a veteran journalist, not a "citizen reporter") had thought of saving that story for a biography of Kim Dae-jung, but now that it became public, he decided to write a story about the issue (Ohmynews) of which he had heard and which has been known to some degree in political circles.

During Kim Dae-jung's political career the story about his extramarital child is said to have been known by very few. The main point in the SBS program is that during his presidency, when the issue might have really become an issue, it was kept in secret by National Intelligence Service (NIS, 국가정보원, 국정원) operations. A part of these operations would have been the so-called "Jin Seung-hyun affair", which at that time looked like just another "lobby-gate" in which the NIS for some reason tried to have the venture businessman Jin saved from jail after Jin got busted for taking illegal loans. Now, according to the revelations of the SBS program, it would have been about the NIS using the money from the businessman Jin Seung-hyun (Chin Sûng-hyôn) to protect KDJ's little secret by keeping the daughter and her mother quiet, and not for some more conventional intelligence activity as maintained back then.

Kim Dan tells in Ohmynews that the daughter had been born from Kim Dae-jung's relation with his secretary in 1970; what kind of a relation is not told (except that a child was born). The child was registered in her grandfather's family register; after he died, she was transferred to her maternal uncle's register, and after his death to her grandmother's register. The girl got assistance from KDJ's son Kim Hong-il and from Cho P'ung-on, who also had been a financial supporter to Kim Dae-jung. She graduated from a college in Southern Jeolla and moved to Seoul. There had been no problems until summer 2000, when the mother of the woman alleged to be KDJ's daughter committed suicide while hospitalized, after which "the daughter" needed to be given medical treatment for mental troubles. And at that time the venture businessman Jin Seung-hyun was drawn into the case by the NIS.

From the side of the former president Kim Dae-jung it is informed that legal measures will be taken if necessary after seeing the program (from Hankyoreh).

Kim Dae-jung has two sons from his first marriage, and one son with his current wife. Would the situation have been different if it had been a son?

So are these allegations true? Why not, I don't think that a national broadcasting company like SBS or an established journalist like Kim Dang would do these stories if there was not enough basis. And now that the story is out, wouldn't it be a high time for some family reunion? 맞어, 맞어!

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