Marketplace politics in Yeongcheon
My customary marketplace politics entry, this time for the re-election of parliamentary seats in some locations. Ohmynews reports with great fervor as always and with quality photos. In Yeongcheon, Northern Gyeonsang, April 27 was a market day of the 5-day market cycle, so the candidates of the both big parties with their big-name supporters made their appearance. The photos that I've linked from the article in smaller size below would tell that Park Geun-hye has drawn a bigger audience - it's in North Gyeongsang after all. There's a big gathering of suit guys behind the fist of the yellow-jacketed Mun Hee-sang of the ruling OOP; people listening to Park are older and have more of a commoner appearance.
All the commentaries concerning the weakening position of the so-called traditional markets express sympathy for the marketplace traders, but no one thinks of the poor politicians. Where do they go at the time of elections if marketplaces disappear? Where do they meet the common people? (About common people, see Muninn's musings inspired by "Common People" by Pulp but performed by William Shatner.) Categories at marketplaces ∙ Koreanpolitics |
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