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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Friday, April 27, 2007

Kim Pyong Il's on-the-spot guidance

Aidan Foster-Carter left a note on the Korean Studies List about a set of photographs of the DPRK ambassador to Poland, Kim Pyong Il, visiting some kind of a solidarity cultural event. I guess having such pictures available on the North Korean leader's half brother makes news in Pyongyangology. Once again it's interesting to note the remarkable physical likeness of Kim Pyong Il to his father.

Kim Pyong Il was the DPRK ambassador to Finland in the mid-1990s until the embassy was closed, and Mr Kim was assigned to Poland. There were all kinds of rumors about Kim Jong Il having sent Kim Pyong Il abroad in order to avoid power struggle with his allegedly more capable half brother, but who knows. I also get the feeling that he was sent away for looking too similar to his father... A Pyongyangological factoid on Kim Pyong Il: KCNA, the DPRK news agency based in Tokyo, does not give a single hit for a Korean-language search on Kim Pyong Il. Neither does any of Google hits on his name go to DPRK-affiliated sites.

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