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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Saturday, September 11, 2004

A concert for ajummas and ajôssis

Pearl Sisters' first albumNice example of the use of the terms ajôssi and ajumma in a Chosun Ilbo piece of a nostalgic concert for middle-aged men and women. The acts were said to represent the folk singers and the like of the 1970s and 1980s, but it should be noted that what this concert stands for is different from the democracy movement (or whatever it's called, minjung movement) singing of the 1980s - the used terminology of ajumma and ajôssi tells that already.

Of the acts, I was familiar with Pearl Sisters (it was only Pae In-sun of the two who weren't real sisters who appeared), but Onion, which appeared for the first time in 25 years is a for me a new act.
Pae In-sun reminded of her existence after a longer silence when she published her memoirs especially about the exploits of her former husband, the Donga Group (not the media outlet) chairman Ch'oe Wôn-sôk, and now she's published a comeback album, if I remember correctly. Perhaps the best known, or at least most often heard tune sung by the Pearl Sisters is K'ôp'i han chan, "Cup of coffee" by the great Sin Joong-hyun (신중현).

Pae In-sun fan club at Daum.

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