
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
∙ Ph.D. dissertation Neighborhood Shopkeepers in Contemporary South Korea: Household, Work, and Locality available online (E-Thesis publications a the University of Helsinki). For printed copies, please contact me by e-mail.
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Sunday, September 26, 2004

Reaping some at son's wedding

Hankyoreh has a small Yonhap piece, which tells that marriage and wedding still means something in Korea, and that marriage will not be just the bride's and the groom's business. In this case it seems that for the father of the bridegroom, the wedding was also supposed to mean something financially. In Gyoyang, Gyeonggi-do the head of the school administration (kyoyukchang) had sent hundreds of invitiations with the name of his office printed on the envelope to every imaginable educational personality in his jurisdiction. Now this marking of his post on the envelope has raised unfavorable attention (from whom, we don't know), but the Gyoyang educational administration explains that this has been a long-time practice.
The financial significance for the groom's father is that with the generous sending of invitations he is likely expecting to reap some of all the wedding congratulation monies (ch'ugûigûm) he must have been giving out quite a deal on his way to his current position.
경기도 고양시교육장이 관내 각급학교 교장 등지인들에게 자녀의 결혼 청첩장을 보내면서 겉 봉투에 교육청 명칭을 명기, 구설수에 올랐다.
25일 고양시 교육청과 교육계 인사들에 따르면 고양시교육장은 내달 서울에서있을 아들 결혼식 청첩장 수 백통을 관내 각급학교 교장과 경기도내 전임지 교육계지인들에게 보냈다.
또 지역 기관장과 학원연합회 간부 등에게도 똑같은 청첩장을 보냈는데 청첩장상단에는 `경기도 고양교육청'이라는 기관 명칭이 명기돼 있다.
고양교육청 관계자는 "이는 교육계의 오랜 관행으로 문제가 되지 않을 것으로생각한 것 같다"고 해명했지만 일부 교육계 인사들은 "상대방에게 심적 부담을 주는것으로 이젠 없어져야 할 관행"이라고 지적했다.

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