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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Thursday, November 04, 2004

東方無禮之國의 醜風惡俗

It is said that one lives longer with a positive attitude towards life, so it may not contribute to one's health to be for example too cynical towards Koreans' claims that theirs is a nation of good manners and affection between people, but sometimes (some would say "often") Koreans themselves make it difficult not to be negative.

I'm pretty much speechless after reading the piece of news that a divorced father had sold his two-year son for 6 million won in 1998 two a childless couple to pay for his horse race gambling habit, and that the couple who acquired the boy took care of him for six years but handed him over to a childcare facility after their business failed.

The father has now been arrested.

Now I should perhaps say something like "the notion of the relation between parents and children is different" or "it has been a common cultural practice to leave one's children for others to be taken care of." Or better, I could take this as another proof (besides Lotto, for example; my earlier post, and another; and yet one) that money in general and gambling in particular are disruptive for the Korean society, communities (kongdongch'e) and interpersonal relations.
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