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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Sunday, November 14, 2004

on Iraq in the minjung art style

Ohmynews tells of a new book of paintings and woodblock prints on the present state of things in Iraq, 바그다드를 흐르다 by an artist and a writer working for Busan Ilbo. Interesting to notice how the once so strong and influential minjung style is still alive and deemed as effective - here the intention is of course to show the barbarity of the USA and the suffering of the Iraqi people.
Just a couple of examples from the minjung art of 1980s and the newly appeared work.

Our People's Art Institute: "The Kabo Peasants' War" (1989) (from Frank Hoffman's essay Images of Dissent: Transformations in Korean Minjung art.)

ⓒ2004 바다출판사 (From the Ohmynews article)

ⓒ2004 바다출판사 (From the Ohmynews article)
(From Frank Hoffman's Images of Dissent.)

It'd been better had the writer of the article not quoted Vladimir Lenin for the phrase that "art always must plant its roots among the proletariat", or something. The artists are able to convey their message, whatever the viewer's view on the Iraq campaign is, without bringing in dictatorship builders.

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