The last two parts of "Korean War in Photographs" in Ohmynews
The last two parts of the series "Korean War in Photographs" in (or should it be at?) Ohmynews are about the armistice negotiations. To see the rest of the pictures, go to the links. Korean War in Photographs 29: Armistice negotiations 1 ![]() Kaesong (that's the DPRK spelling;), UN and DPRK representatives. ▲ 1951. 7. 8. 개성, 헬기에서 내린 유엔군 측 정전회담 실무자를 맞이하는 북측 실무자들. ⓒ2004 NARA ![]() On the right: DPRK representatives in armistice negotiations. From the left two representatives of the PRC Air Force, General Nam Il in the middle ▲ 정전회담장에 나타난 북측 대표. 왼쪽 두 사람 중공군 대표, 가운데 남일 대장, 다음 이상조 소장. ⓒ2004 NARA Korean War in Pictures 30: Armistice negotiations 2 ![]() Seoul citizens demonstrating against the armistice negotiations ▲ 1951. 7. 11. 서울, 서울시민들이 덕수궁에서 정전회담 반대 시위를 벌이고 있다. ⓒ2004 NARA ![]() The DPRK representative General Nam Il is leaving the armistice negotiation site ▲ 1953. 5. 8. 정전회담 북한 측 남일 대표가 회담장을 떠나고 있다. ⓒ2004 NARA Categories at contemp.history ∙ minjok ∙ photography |