"How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic", written by Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart in 1971 (in Chile during Allende's presidency) has been published in Korea by the name 도널드 덕, 어떻게 읽을 것인가 - 디즈니 만화로 가장한 미 제국주의의 야만. (Actually it came out already one year ago, but Ohmynews has a story on it now.) Perhaps the book has its audience once again in the West as it surely had when it first appeared, but in Korea there should be readership willing to get the message, even before getting acquainted with the comics.
My impression is that Disney's comics have never been that widely read in Korea, at least compared to what they're here. I mean, a whole nation identifying itself with Donald Duck (and not with Mickey Mouse); national police swat team naming itself "Beagle Brothers"; Carl Barks, the most famous of the Disney cartoonists, parading through Helsinki for cheering crowds together with the Helsinki mayor during his visit in the early 90s; perhaps the same number of subscribers to the comics magazine in a nation of 5 million as in the whole US, and so on. I'm afraid at least we've failed to reade Disney's comics in the way Dorfman and Mattelart would have predicted.
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