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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Monday, June 14, 2004

Pictures of late 1960s Korea

I cannot but thank Dr. Andrei Lankov for me ending up using my precious (?) time for something else than dissertation writing after he tipped me of a wonderful collection of photographs from late 1960s Korea, photographed by Mr. Neil Mishalov, recruit in the US Army stationed in Korea in 1968-69, mainly in Ansan.

Black and white photographs; those available at the moment are mainly from Seoksu-dong in Anyang, but more pictures from Anyang and Seoul will be available later.
Update. I decided to download a few of the thumbnails to my own diskspace as I did't manage to link them directly from Mr. Mishalov's site. (The site works fine nevertheless.)

A bigger photographs opens in a new window by clicking the pic

"New Seoul Workshop"; everything from car repair to welding

Color slides; Seoksu-dong, Seoul etc. Seeing Seoul without the high-rise downtown buildings in color gives a strange feeling; aren't color pictures supposed to be of our time and not of some different past.

Inchon in February 1969

Seoksu-dong, Ansan, winter 1969

All the pictures are scanned from film, so the quality of the digitalized images is good. The final number of pictures will be more than 1000, so be prepared to waste some good time if you're interested.

I myself haven't had time yet to browse through the more numerous color slide scans, but they as well as the black-and-white ones are definitely worth a look.

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Comments to note "Pictures of late 1960s Korea" (Comments to posts older than 14 days are moderated)

<Anonymous Anonymous> said on 15.6.04 : 

Hello Antti,

My name is Neil Mishalov; I'm pleased that you have enjoyed looking at some of my photos. Writing your dissertation is probably more important, but it is also a good idea to "take a break."

I hope to post the additional black and white pictures within the next few months.


Neil Mishalov

P.S., you can't link to an individual photograph, but you can link to the page the photo is on. For example:


<Blogger Antti Leppänen> said on 15.6.04 : 

Dear Mr Mishalov,

It's been really a pleasure to take a look at the photos; they do help me in grasping some of the sensibilities of the time, in the way scholarly works cannot. For my wife who's lived through the times and is about the age of some of the kids in the pictures, it's an almost moving experience to recoll the times of her childhood. Looking at the pharmacy signboard ad: "Hwalmyeongsu, that's what people used to drink as an energizer back then!"

Thank you for your effort. I'll look forward for more pictures.

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