
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Monday, August 15, 2005

early 1970s photos of Yongsan, Seoul, and Korea

Last week I received mail from Mr Scott Forey, who informed me of his collection of photographs from the early 1970s Yongsan, Seoul, and Korea available in the net, and inquired whether I was aware of further sources for photographs on early 1970s' Seoul and Yongsan, where he lived with his parents in 1971-1973.

Link to Scott Forey's photographs, taken by him and his father.

Photographs by foreigners residing in Korea in the earlier decades are often important pieces of contemporary history. Few Koreans had cameras in the 1960s and 1970s.

Of Scott's pictures, I want to present the one of a bus with a route through the whole city from Shillim-dong in the south of Seoul to Mia-ri in the north, going via Noryangjin, Seoul Station, and Toegye-ro. I was of course attracted to the picture for the fact that it's a bus departing from Shillim-dong, the other of my home places in Korea, which at the time when the photo was taken had recently begun urbanization, and where vast areas of hillside settlements like Nan'gok (my pics from 2000 and 2001-2002) had formed.

Link to the page of the original photo, where you can see the faces of people sitting in the bus by clicking "view full size."

Bus going from Shillim-dong to Mia-ri via Noryangjin, Seoul Station, and Toegye-ro. (c) Scott Forey 1971-73.

Mr Forey tells:
I remember the day we took that bus photo. It was one of those incredibly cold days, but the sun was shining, the air was like crystal. I like the mother pulling her child's hat down to keep him warm.

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