
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Sunday, December 04, 2005

puuro 죽

아침마다 커피에다 죽을 끓여먹는다. 요리를 잘 할 줄 모르는 내가 그거라도 내 몫으로 삼고 있는 것은 다행이다. 죽감은 무엇이든지 좋지는 않다. 여기 시골가게에서 파는 압축 호밀, 보리, 귀리 섞어서 우리만의 죽감을 만드는 것이다. 그리고 거기에다 열매를 (링건베리블루베리 등) 넣고 먹으면 별미다 별미!

죽감으로 섞기 위해 신크대에 부운 보리, 귀리, 호밀.

Comments to note "puuro 죽" (Comments to posts older than 14 days are moderated)

<Anonymous Anonymous> said on 14.12.05 : 

What says your text on puuro ?

<Anonymous Anonymous> said on 15.12.05 : 

That we eat porridge every morning; that's the least that I can take care of with my meager cooking skills; that there's a special kind of cereals sold only in a small country shop that we like to make porridge of; and that having the porridge with berries shown in the links makes it just delicious!
The pic shows cereals in the kitchen sink to be mixed for porridge ingredients.

<Anonymous Anonymous> said on 19.12.05 : 

I see. Obviously you mix up different cereals. My grandpa favours ruispuuroa. I love riisipuuroa mustikkasopalla - thats what made me leave my unqualified comment in your former entry on blueberries.
Germans by the way you hardly can get used to these finish eating habits, as in case you offer porridge to someone here, by chance you even risk loosing social prestige.

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